
Gleiss Lutz achieves “double victory” before the European Court of Justice

Gleiss Lutz won two legal battles today for Austrian company Lenzing AG before the European Court of Justice (ECJ). 

The first dispute (case C-260/05 P) involved a state aid package of over EUR 60 million earmarked for one of Lenzing’s investment projects in Heiligenkreuz, in the Austrian state of Burgenland. The EU Commission’s decision to approve state aid in 2000 was chal-lenged by a Spanish competitor. Following dismissal of the suit by the Court of First In-stance of the European Communities in 2005, the European Court of Justice today upheld the lower court’s ruling.

The subject-matter of case C-525/04 P, in which the ECJ also ruled today, was an EU Commission decision regarding state aid granted to one of the Lenzing Group’s competi-tors. Lenzing had this decision overturned by the Court of First Instance in 2004. Today’s ruling by the European Court of Justice affirmed the appealed judgment.

Both cases were handled by Dr. Ulrich Soltész from Gleiss Lutz’ Brussels office.
