The new German Supply Chain Act and it's impact in Spain

ESG - Joint Webinar with Cuatrecasas

Referent Veranstaltung ESG - Joint Webinar with Cuatrecasas Beschreibung

Europe is leading the way in regulating new obligations and responsibilities of companies regarding their environmental and human rights impacts. The new German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains  (“Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz”) passed in June 2021 obliges companies operating in Germany to identify risks of human rights and environmental violations in the activities of their suppliers. Germany has introduced special legal regulations to protect human rights and the environment in the supply chain, ahead of the regulation that the EU is preparing for the entire European market. This law does not only affect companies operating in Germany, but also Spanish entities which do business with the German market.​

Webinar 01:00 Uhr 18.01.2022
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