
A Look at the Transatlantic Bookshelf

lnternational Arbitration - A Fascinating Means ol Dispute Settlement Designed to Resolve lnternational and Cross-Border Disputes? lnvestor-State Dispute Settlement, Commercial Arbitration, Rule ol Law, Enforcement Proceedings as well as a bit of Mail and Wire Fraud and lllegal lmmigration in Book Reviews

Ebert, Björn P. Wilske, Stephan
A Look at the Transatlantic Bookshelf

lnternational Arbitration - A Fascinating Means ol Dispute Settlement Designed to Resolve lnternational and Cross-Border Disputes? lnvestor-State Dispute Settlement, Commercial Arbitration, Rule ol Law, Enforcement Proceedings as well as a bit of Mail and Wire Fraud and lllegal lmmigration in Book Reviews, in: TLJ 2023, pp. 136-139

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