Unusual Cross Border Contracts: Unraveling Mysterious Jurisdictions & Dynamic Investment Contracts - Discovering New Challenges & Opportunities

23rd Annual Meeting & Conference

Referent Veranstaltung 23rd Annual Meeting & Conference Beschreibung

This session is a refreshing look at cross-border investment contracts in jurisdictions where information is shrouded in mysterious stereotypes or in areas that do not fall within the mainstream perception of what can be the subject of a cross border investment contract. The session will bravely face the realm of the unusual and unravel that what appears to be mysterious can actually be defined by contract. We will be tackling international football contracts and stabilization contracts between government and foreign investors guaranteeing tax rates or investment incentives. We will explore how opening up territories may mean dealing with indigenous peoples which may not have been considered during the planning of an investment. We will take you to Latin America, China, Russia, Myanmar and the First Nations of Canada in the search for new challenges and opportunities.

00:00 Uhr 19.04.2013
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