Recovery of Illegal Aid – Problems & pitfalls for Member States and Beneficiaries

State Aid Procedures - The Legal Obligations and Rights of the Parties Involved - EStAL Intensive Workshop

Referent Veranstaltung State Aid Procedures - The Legal Obligations and Rights of the Parties Involved - EStAL Intensive Workshop Beschreibung

Recovery of State aid as a general rule

Exceptions from the Commission‘s obligation to order recovery

Legitimate expectations

Absolute impossibility

What is an effective and immediate recovery?

Immediate recovery

Recovery in case of aid measures without any legal effect

Indirect aid  

Indirect beneficiaries

Liability for recovery after a Share deal

Recovery after an Asset deal

Recovery in case of guarantees

Recovery by the Member State - Procedure

Recovery procedure before the Commission

Consequence of failure to recover for Member States & the Beneficiary

Lisbon 01:00 Uhr 08.03.2019
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